Esther 2:2, Question 1. Why does the verse stress that Achashverosh’s advisers were “youths?”

ב וַיֹּאמְרוּ נַעֲרֵיהַמֶּלֶךְ מְשָׁרְתָיו יְבַקְשׁוּ לַמֶּלֶךְ נְעָרוֹת בְּתוּלוֹת טוֹבוֹת מַרְאֶה

2. And the youths of the king from his advisers said, “The king should seek out young women, virgins, who look good.”

After having killed his primary advisers (as we said in previous blog posts), Achashverosh was left with his freshman advisers. According to M’nos HaLevi, the king reasoned that their youth may grant them a dovish advantage over the old hawks he blamed for killing his beloved queen. Furthermore, these youths were servants catapulted to this position by a hung-over, depressed king desperate for the human interaction advice guarantees, perhaps without consideration for the quality of the advice given. The Rabbis of the Talmud (see Megillah 31b and Nedarim 40a) consider it generally unwise to take advice from youths, as King Rechavam helped fracture the kingdom of Yehudah by taking his young friends’ advice over that of the elders (Melachim 12).