Esther 10:3, Question 5. Why does the verse say Mordechai spoke peace?

  • The Maharal writes that Mordechai behaved differently towards three distinct kinds of people. To the great, he managed to satisfy the majority; to the masses, he sought good; and to the children, he spoke peace.
  • R’ Refael Devorsky writes that the “good” was practical advice Mordechai dispensed, and actions Mordechai undertook. On the other hand, the “peace” represents the spiritual growth Mordechai guided.
  • The Sfas Emes notes that, in stark contrast to Haman, who was full of slander (Esther 3:5-8), Mordechai sought peace, slander’s opposite.
  • In the words of Aggadas Esther, how great is peace, that it is Mordechai’s greatest praise!

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